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The network of hubs of CSOs assesses the level of organizational development of CSOs. This assessment uses the “three-circle” model to describe the interrelated requirements that an effective organization must meet. The model is based on the circles of “organization” (internal aspects of the organization), “activity” (programs and activities of the organization) and “relations” (relations with the external environment). The evaluation is carried out in the format of a facilitative self-esteem.

The evaluation program consists of a series of activities, including personal interviews, focus groups, and meetings with the main CSO team for self-assessment using the “three circles” model. According to the assessment, the evaluated expert prepares a report with recommendations for the CSO-customer.

The total number of days for the assessment – 7 (of which 3 days – departure to the organization-customer and field stage, 4 days – writing a report with recommendations).

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